iVox Animated eBooks

Image of young girl holding a tablet smiling text reads iVox Books that move! Delight and engage young minds with the latest storytelling technology

iVox is an interactive storybook app for children aged 4-7. Designed for little hands and big imaginations, iVOX brings favourite stories to life with three dimensional characters and scenes that children can explore. Confident readers can practice their skills in a new and fun way, while emerging readers will be helped along by the engaging narration. iVOX captivates children and parents by creating a truly educational and hands on reading experience. Watch this trailer to learn more about the unique iVox reading experience. 

Click here to download iVox

What you need

  • A valid Fairfield City Open Libraries membership. Sign up online for free! If you have forgotten your 4 digit PIN, reset your password here
  • The iVOX app
  • Internet
  • A smart phone or tablet device

How do I use iVox?

  • You must be online to use the app.
  • Download the iVox app from the App Store or Play Store.
  • When prompted, enter the postcode '2166' and select 'Fairfield City Open Libraries'. Upon selection, the login screen will appear where you will be asked for your library card number and PIN. Once validated, you will be in the iVox App’s main area where you can browse, search and download iVox Books. If you have any problems logging in, please contact us.
  • From the homepage bookshelf, choose a book and select ‘Check Out Now’. Your book will begin downloading immediately.
  • Once your book opens, a short tutorial will play showing you how to use iVox. Tap the book cover and it will start playing automatically. A sound effect will let you know when it’s time to turn to the next page; you can do so by selecting the RIGHT ARROW key. To go back a page, press the LEFT ARROW key. You can PAUSE/PLAY the book at any time.
  • To enhance your viewing experience, move your device UP or DOWN to see the 3D scenes from different angles. You can also pinch and zoom your screen to alter your experience.
  • To view how much time is remaining on your book, go to the Home Screen (Bookshelf) by tapping the bookshelf button in the upper left corner. From the Home Screen, tap the downloads button to see all your books and how much time is remaining.
  • Once you complete the book, you can read it again by tapping the replay button just below the RIGHT arrow key. This will return you to the beginning of the book.

How do I return or delete a book from the app?

  • You can return or delete a book in your library at any time.
  • From the Home Screen (Bookshelf), press the ‘My Books’ button in the upper right corner (orange circle with a down arrow). Select the book you want to return and remove from your device.

Why is iVox not working?

It could be that you do not have a compatible smartphone. All smart phones and tablet devices should work, but older models may not have the processing speed capable of supporting the animation.

For the tilt to work (moving the animation up or down), your device must have a gyroscope sensor. Most devices will have gyroscope sensors but certain phones and tablets may not have this option.

Check your library credentials to ensure your account information is correct.


If you are experiencing any issues or would like to get in touch with one of our staff for further support, contact us on 9725 0333, email libraryenquiries@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au.