Our People Find out more about how we support our first nations peoples, multicultural communities, people with disability, seniors and young people.
Arts and Culture Learn more about how Council works collaboratively with the community to celebrate and bring people together through arts and culture.
Grants and Funding More on Council Donation Funds,Community Development Grants, ClubGRANTS and Heritage Rate Grants.
Safer Cities: Her Way Transport for NSW is partnering with Fairfield City Council to deliver the Safer Cities: Her Way program in Canley Vale.
Your Environment This page shares information on Fairfield City Council's environmental and sustainability resources.
Community Safety and Crime Prevention Information on crime and safety strategies and initiatives for the community.
Community Services and Support Can't find the community services you are looking for? In addition to the Council, there are a lot of other organisations which offer community services to local residents.
Volunteer Noticeboard Find volunteering opportunities with local organisations or request to promote a volunteer vacancy on the noticeboard.
The Hub@Bonnyrigg Dhanawi New community centre in Bonnyrigg opening soon. Large, medium and small meeting spaces will be available for hire by the community. A community garden – Dyurali and The Men’s Shed will be located on site.