Commencement of New Employment Zones

Submissions closed on 01 January 0001, 12:00 AM

Background details:

In December 2021, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment finalised a new zone structure for all business and industrial land. A total of five (5) new Employment zones and three (3) new supporting zones were implemented under the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plan) Order 2006 and will replace existing Business (B) and Industrial (IN) zones across the State. The restructuring of business and industrial zones into employment zones aims to:

  • Maximise productivity while minimising land use conflicts and ensuring they are fit for purpose.
  • Address current barriers within the planning system that limit the ability of businesses to establish, expand or adapt.
  • Better support Councils in the delivery of the strategic vision contained in the Local Strategic Planning Statement. 


Commencement of New Employment zones:

The new Employment zones structure commenced on 26 April 2023 and has been implemented within the Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013. Accordingly, any reference to a Business or Industrial zone within Council documents is now taken to mean the equivalent employment or supporting land use zone as shown in the following table:

Former Zone Reference New Zone Reference

B1 Neighbourhood Centre

E1 Local Centre

B2 Local Centre

E1 Local Centre with Additional Permitted Use provisions (Key Site No. 31) to allow registered clubs and tourist and visitor accommodation

B3 Commercial Core

E2 Commercial Centre

B4 Mixed Use

MU1 Mixed Use

B5 Business Development

E4 General Industrial with Additional Permitted Use provisions (Key Site No. 30) to allow health consulting rooms, information and education facilities, medical centres and specialised retail premises.

B6 Enterprise Corridor

E3 Productivity Support

IN1 General Industrial

E4 General Industrial

IN2 Light Industrial

E4 General Industrial


For more information, head to the Employment Zones Reform section of NSW Department of Planning and Environment website at Employment zones reform - ( or, contact the Employment Zones Team via or 1300 420 596. Alternatively contact Council’s Duty Town Planner on 9725 0222.

NB: Document means an Act, statutory or other instrument, contract or agreement, and includes a document issued or made under or for the purposes of an Act or statutory or other instrument.