Library resources
View our collection of 1500 career, productivity and self-help books, eAudiobooks, eBooks and eMagazines. Including items on the topics of:
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Library online learning resource

Linkedin Learning provides a range of online training in a range of career support, including Career planning, job searching and resume writing. It provides personalized course recommendations and is designed to help you achieve your full potential.
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Additional resources for:
Transitioning from school to employment
The beyond school study guide covers what you need to know in transitioning from high school into the workforce and has been prepared by the Australian government in conjunction with the studyassist.gov.au website. It covers all aspects of the HSC, tertiary education, government assistance and terminology to make this journey and transition easy.
Career Planning
Not sure where to start?
YourCareer: Your Future Career quiz: Answer these quick questions to get a list of occupations tailored to you.
What training will I need?
Jobs Guide: Wondering what training you need to get the job you want? Read the NSW Governments – Skills NSW job guides to get an understanding of the qualifications required, what the job involves, the industries you could work in, job prospects and pay. Over 100 job guides are now available.
Learn & Train
Study can help you get the job you want or extend your skills in a career you already have.
Education and training options
MyCareer: Australian Governments MyCareer: Learn & Train, assists in understanding the different options available for training and studying in Australia. It is important to choose a course of study that suits you.
Tools to assist in understanding free or low fee courses
MySkills: MySkills website is the national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses. It is an Australian Government initiative to enable consumers to search for, and compare, VET courses and training providers.
JobTrainer: NSW JobTrainer provides fully subsidised training to gain skills in Australia's growing industries. Explore hundreds of qualifications.
Australian Apprenticeships: Australian Apprenticeships is your first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeships.
Further Information
Further resources for career and employment support can be found on the Australian Government Your Career website.